The Timeless Tupperware Campaign
spec work
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Extra! Extra! Read all about Tupperware!
The big idea. A brand with history doesn’t just lead to nostalgia, it leads to trust. This kind of trust has kept the same brand in kitchens for decades.
The Strategy. Tupperware makes time stand still when it comes to culinary creations. So I expanded on that concept by putting things besides just food in Tupperware, we show what it takes for a brand to stand the test of time. But it’s not just everyday objects, it emblems that represent their time, to induce a sense of nostalgia that comes from such a historic brand. From Tupperware parties in the 50s to all meal prep fans today, Tupperware is the brand you trust to keep things fresh.
With accompanying OOH mockups such as a spot in front of a museum (because preservation is kind of their thing) or a discount for classic music lovers, we’re throwing this brand into the future with blasts from the past.
Art direction and copywriting by Kira Ranieri. Student work created using Adobe Photoshop and Canva.